City Police   Supplied by City Police…
In the last few weeks the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service has seen an increase in the number of thefts from vehicles.
In the last month items taken from vehicles include accessible parking permits, purses, wallets, money, spare keys, power tools, personal identification such as birth certificates and passports, GPS devices and cell phones.
Property crimes such as these can be easily prevented by simply not leaving items of value in your vehicle. With the warmer weather remember to close your windows and lock your doors when your vehicle and or home are unattended. If you need to have some of these items in your vehicle secure them in the trunk or out of sight.  Don’t forget to lock your vehicle doors as well.
In addition, you can reduce your chances of becoming a victim by parking your vehicle in your garage.  If you don’t have a garage, try and park in a well-lighted area. If you see someone going through vehicles, call and report it.  We would like nothing better than to catch someone in the act.
And when it comes to carrying personal identification with you, consider cleaning out your wallet every now and then and securing your identification in a safe place.  When you think about it, when was the last time you needed to use your social insurance card-yet many people have that item in their wallet and haven’t taken it out in ages. The same applies to your birth certificate.  And if you lose these two pieces of identification they are often the ones you need to apply for new identification.