
All the best to our Soo Michigan listeners today on Independence Day in the US of A!
Here are some grillin’ facts and a perfect day for it, right? Sunny and 28!!!!!!

Grillin’ and Chillin’

A survey by Weber Grills reveals that 84% of people plan to grill on July 4th. Other findings:

– 51% of people post Selfies online while they are grilling

– 81% of people believe the food they grill is the same or better than a restaurant

– 83% of people rate themselves as “excellent” or “decent” grillers.

– 80% of grillers use at least two barbecue sauces

– 64% of grillers use marinades, rubs and seasonings on their meats

– Grilled vegetables (19%) and corn on the cob (18%) are the two most popular foods served with grilled meat