Supplied by the Huron Superior Catholic District School Board…
Sault Ste. Marie:  The Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) is pleased to confirm that French language proficiency remains strong, following the third year of the Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française (DELF) testing for students in French Immersion and Core French programs at St. Mary’s College.
This year, 57 Grade 12 students, 28 more than in 2015, challenged the DELF A2, B1 and B2 levels of proficiency.  The DELF Centre confirmed the results: 86% of the participants passed the DELF.
“The growing number of Grade 12 FSL students voluntarily choosing to challenge the DELF exams each year to receive International Certification in French is an indication that students are becoming more confident and proficient in Canada’s second official language.  We are very proud of both our students and our FSL teachers who have embraced the pedagogy to make students successful and proficient in French,” said HSCDSB French-as-a-Second-Language Consultant, Ann Marie Santoro.
The Board is committed to providing enhanced learning opportunities for students.  In this case, students learning French can use the DELF exam as a means to improve their post-secondary or workplace prospects.
“This testing is another example of how we promote student achievement beyond the expected classroom requirements.  I am pleased with how well our students are performing in the DELF exams. The results are also a testament to the efforts our staff has put in to the French program,” said HSCDSB Director of Education, John Stadnyk.
The DELF exam includes oral interviews and written work.  Over the past few years, more than 35,000 Canadians have participated in the exams.  Students who have earned DELF level B2 will be exempted from the language text requirements for registration at French universities.

Students are not the only ones who benefit from writing the DELF assessment.  The educators who administer the DELF (correcteurs and correctrices) are able to identify the areas of strength and opportunities for improvement related to the French language proficiency and confidence of FSL learners in HSCDSB’s core and immersion programs.  Their teaching practice is strengthened, which in turn improves student learning.  The DELF administrators repeatedly indicate this is their best professional learning.
Because of a very strong positive response to the DELF from students, parents and educators in the last three years, the HSCDSB is fully committed to continue offering the opportunity to all Grade 12 students who choose to complete a self-selected level of the DELF, an internationally-recognized exam that will undoubtedly increase students’ life chances.