OPP   OPP news release…
(WAWA, ON) – The annual Wawa Ice fishing derby weekend proved to be a busy weekend for members of the Superior East Wawa Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). During the weekend police conducted 5 R.I.D.E. Programs at various locations checking 200 vehicles and 50 sleds. Joint patrols were also conducted with members of the local Ministry of Natural Resources Officers (MNR) and members of the Northeast Highway Safety Division (HSD).
As a result Provincial Offences tickets were issued for the following offences;
” 10 Highway Traffic Act charges,
” 7 charges of Fail to Display Evidence of Permit contrary to section 2(8) of the Motorized Snow Vehicle Act,
” 3 charges for Fail to display Registration Number contrary to section 2(7) of the MSVA
” 1 charge for Drive no licence along Highway contrary to section 9(1) of the MSVA
” 1 charge for Fail to Wear proper helmet contrary to section 20(1) of the MSVA
” 1 charge for Having Liquor in open container contrary to section 31(2) of the Liquor Licence Act of Ontario.
Police also want to remind riders that section 18 (1) of the Motorized Snow Vehicle Act makes it illegal to operate any Motorized Snow Vehicles with aftermarket mufflers, police will be on the lookout for this and will ensure that it is strictly enforced.