EssarSteel1-230x117  Unpaid taxes by Essar Steel Algoma was the subject of a court filing by the City of Sault Ste. Marie as part of the Companies Creditors Arrangement Act proceedings.  The City says the local steelmaker missed a first installment deadline of March 7th for over 1.8-million dollars in taxes as in total Essar Steel Algoma owes the City almost 14-million dollars in property taxes.  Also as part of the filing, the City claims Essar Steel Algoma has failed to provide 300-thousand dollars that it had committed to as its share towards the first two phases of the Port of Algoma project which also involves commitments from all three levels of government.  The Affidavit filed by City Solicitor Nuala Kenny also states that in light of obligations to its federal and provincial financing partners, it cannot authorize commencing the second phase of the Port Project.