City CAO Al Horsman, ADSB Director of Education Lucia Reese, City Fundraising Committee Chair Bianca Berlingieri, and HSCDSB Superintendent of Education Maria Esposito.
City CAO Al Horsman, ADSB Director of Education Lucia Reese, City Fundraising Committee Chair Bianca Berlingieri, and HSCDSB Superintendent of Education Maria Esposito.

Supplied by the City of Sault Ste. Marie…
(Sault Ste. Marie, ON) Sault Ste. Marie school boards will receive a financial boost through the City’s Christmas Coffee Break and Bake Sale held at the Civic Centre earlier today.
This event, organized by the City’s Fundraising Committee, raised $1600 to be shared equally between the Algoma District School Board (ADSB) and the Huron Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) for their respective school breakfast programs.
To date, this particular event has raised over $14,000 with donations to various agencies including the Salvation Army; the Sault Ste. Marie Kidney Foundation, Children’s Rehabilitation Centre Algoma; Autism Ontario; St. Vincent Place; as well as to the School Breakfast Program in 2010.