Left to Right---Boniferro Mill Owner Jim Boniferro, Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown and local candidate and City Councillor Ross Romano
Left to Right—Boniferro Mill Owner Jim Boniferro, Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown and local candidate and City Councillor Ross Romano


The leader of Ontario’s PC Party made use of a visit to Bonnifero Mill Works yesterday to take aim at the province and the high cost of energy which he says is making it difficult for the Sault hardwood sawmill to compete with Michigan competitors.
Patrick Brown made a campaign style visit in support of local candidate Ross Romano and ahead of an upcoming by-election that has yet to be called for the Sault riding.
Brown says the Liberal Government won’t share with them the details of renewable contracts that were provided to 30 companies that are blended into the global adjustment charge on electricity bills.
He spoke of the need to review these contracts and explore opportunities to exercise exit clauses —something the Liberals are reluctant to do…

Brown says rising hydro costs is making life unaffordable for both homeowners and businesses and he spoke specifically of what mill owner Jim Boniferro is facing for his 50 mill workers with an additional 100 logging jobs…

Boniferro Mill Works employs 50 at the mill and there are a further 100 logging jobs.

A spokeswoman from the Ministry of Energy and Climate Change says Brown is wrong when he told local reporters that Ontario has the highest hydro rates in North America—-she says the Financial Accountability Officer has placed Ontario in the middle of the pack among Canadian provinces.

Brown made a 6th visit to the Sault this week since becoming party leader.
There was a public meet and greet with the PC Leader Brown and local candidate Ross Romano at Algoma’s Water Tower Inn on Monday in what Romano called a soft kick-off to his by-election campaign that has yet to be called by the Premier for the Sault riding.
The ward six city councillor says he has a past bond with Brown as they spent 3-years together in law school…

Romano says he will be hitting doors for the first time later this week.
He was selected as candidate back on November 4th.
The Premier has six months to call a by-election for a riding that has been left without a member since the end of last year with the sudden and unexpected resignation of 13-year MPP and cabinet minister David Orazietti.