Central Algoma Elementary School and CASS Principal Jana Tetreault talks about students and staff transitioning from Johnson Tarbutt Central School to the Central Algoma Kindergarten to Grade 12 school at Tuesday’s Algoma District School Board meeting.

Algoma District School Board trustees had their meeting in Desbarats on Tuesday night. Prior to the meeting, the ribbon was cut for Central Algoma Elementary School, turning the building better known as CASS into a Kindergarten to Grade 12 school. A presentation by the CASS Dance Squad highlighted the transition topic discussed at last night’s meeting. K-12 School principal Jana Tetreault says the program is very popular for all grades and younger…led by coach Alicia Annett…

Out of the 40 to 50 children that tryout, the group of 16 is chosen not just for their dancing, but for their leadership in the community. The school continues to offer other leadership roles in the form of student councils for Grades 7 to 12 and through sports and intramural programs that have been recognized provincially, among other initiatives. The building is actually home to three schools if you count the Grade 7 and 8 students that make up Central Algoma Intermediate School. Tetreault says having three schools in the same building is very important for the small communities it serves…

Tetreault adds the transition from Johnson Tarbutt to CASS has been ‘very busy but very gratifying.’ She feels the facility will resemble more of a community hub and not just a school and credits the various activities put on during school and after school hours for that. Tetreault says it wasn’t long before the littlest students took to Central Algoma Elementary…

Another popular part of the school for the youngest students is the gym — bigger than the one the former Johnson Tarbutt students experienced. The library is also popular with its numerous books. One of the teachers also spoke positively about the additional space and classrooms at Central Algoma Elementary instead of a portable to teach in, along with the kindergarten room having its own change rooms and washrooms.