City council will be asked at Monday’s meeting for approval in principle to enter into needed legal agreements to formalize arrangements with Transport Canada, CN and new ACR operator Railmark.  The approval would allow for a contribution agreement to move forward with Transport Canada.  It would also allow for the preparation of legal agreements between the City and Transport Canada and mirror agreements as well with Railmark and CN.  The CN arrangement would be for an interim period until Railmark assumes operation in May.  It would also be recognized that the EDC will incur incremental administration costs related to this initiative.

A report to city council from the CAO Selection Committee for Monday’s meeting advises that a consultant has been selected to assist with the recruitment of a new CAO.  The Selection Committee received 12 proposals in all and selected Organization Consulting Limited of Toronto at a fixed fee of just over 30-thousand dollars.

City staff is recommending that a Sudbury operator take over the restaurant at the John Rhodes Community Centre.  The lease for Chilly Willy’s operator Jody Wilson will expire May 1st.  3 proposals were received by the city including Chilly Willy’s.  Staff is recommending that the City enter into a 5-year lease agreement with Two Pizza and Wings.  The agreement would provide the City with an estimated annual payment of over 58-thousand dollars plus municipal taxes of approximately 19-thousand.  The report to council also indicates that the proponent would be willing to contribute to renovations estimated to be 100-thousand dollars.