
Supplied by the Ontario Progressive Conservatives…
Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the nomination of Ross Romano as the Ontario PC Candidate in Sault Ste. Marie:
“I congratulate Ross Romano on being nominated by the Ontario PC members of Sault Ste. Marie as our newest and first candidate for the 2018 General Election. I am very confident that Ross will be a strong voice for the Ontario PC Party’s positive message of change, and a great standard bearer as we strive to present a Party that is modern, inclusive, and pragmatic.
“An experienced lawyer, Ross has been active in the Sault Ste. Marie community for years. He has served as a City Councillor since 2014, and has volunteered extensively with community organizations like the Rotary Club and the Sault Youth Soccer Association.
“Quite frankly, after 13 years in power, life is harder under the Liberals. Skyrocketing hydro rates have driven Ontarians into energy poverty, and we continue to see cut after cut to essential health care services. Once the driving force behind Confederation, Liberal scandal after Liberal scandal means that Ontario now lags behind other provinces.
“Plain and simple. Enough is enough. It’s time for a change in Ontario. It’s time for a government that puts the people first, not political self-interests.  Let’s send Ross Romano to Queen’s Park in 2018.”
Statement from Ross Romano on being nominated as the Ontario PC Candidate in Sault Ste. Marie:
“I am humbled and honoured to join Patrick Brown’s Ontario PC team as the Sault Ste. Marie candidate in the upcoming election.
“I have watched the Wynne Liberals as they have torn our once great province down brick by brick to the shell of the place it once was, and I’m tired of it.  For years I’ve watched as the Kathleen Wynne Liberals have made life harder for the people of Northern Ontario.  Our region has been nothing but an afterthought to an out-of-touch government only interested in their own political survival. I can no longer sit idly by. That’s why I’m running to be Sault Ste. Marie’s next MPP. I’m running to send a message to Kathleen Wynne, we in Northern Ontario will not be ignored any longer.
“Patrick Brown has made Northern Ontario a priority. He has visited the North more than 20 times, including 5 visits to Sault Ste. Marie in the last two years. He understands what our region is capable of, and he has been the only one standing up for us at Queen’s Park.
“I love Sault Ste. Marie. I have been honoured to serve my community for the past two years as a City Councillor. I hope to bring my experience and my passion to the table, serving as a strong voice for our city and community at Queen’s Park. I can’t wait to get to work, meeting as many voters as possible, and spreading the Ontario PC Party’s message of positive change for our province.”