This picture of our Mandy, popped up on my Facebook Page this morning. A coincidence? NOPE!
She wants to wish you and especially your pets, Happy National Puppy Day!
Go Soo Greyhounds, speaking of doggies as they are set to host the Spirit of Saginaw!
Will they take the series in 4? Some are quietly saying so…We shall see! We welcome our Rogers friends from SPORTSNET in town to broadcast, Nationally, the first two match-ups. So wear Red and White proudly tonight at 7, Sunday at 3pm.

Here’s more Puppy info for you!

Doggie Survey

A new survey by reveals that 66% of dog owners feel guilty when they miss a walk with their dog. Other findings:

– 70% of dog owners say their dog is happier when they get walked

– 46% of dog owners say their dog is more energetic when they get walked

– 74% of dog owners say receiving a compliment about their dog is better than eating chocolate or candy

– 64% of dog owners say receiving a compliment about their dog is better than going on a shopping spree

– 61% of dog owners say receiving a compliment about their dog is better than eating pizza