Dave Anich Band and Sheldon Jaaskelainen
Northern Arts Academy
F H Clergue Choir
Old Time Christmas
Old Time Christmas Patrons

Supplied by the Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – December 4, 2017

Sault Ste. Marie, ON – Sault Ste. Marie does it once again and shows their generosity by buying every ticket for the 2nd Annual Old Time Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 2nd at the Central United Church.
Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore, DOI/Compass Digital Imaging and Central United Church, this timely event featured some very talented Sault musicians. Headlined by the Dave Anich Band with guest Sheldon Jaaskelainen, F.H. Clergue Grade 3 & 4 children’s choir, Northern Arts Academy (both under the direction of Agnes McCarthy, Steven Hewgill, the Pine Tones, Kathy McColeman and 104.3 Country’s Jeff McNiece (MC and entertainer) entertaining the crowd for two plus hours.
All proceeds from ticket sales at $10 each were donated to Christmas Cheer and the Salvation Army.

“Both of these charities do so much for families at this time of year and throughout the year. It is very fitting for the Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore to do this event and donate the proceeds to each of them. Each organization received $3,250 each from the sale of the 650 tickets”, said Mary Hewgill, President of the Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore.

“Without our sponsors, supporters, entertainers,volunteers and patrons this event is not possible and each of them share in the success of this event and can take pride in knowing that their efforts will be putting a smile on many faces this Christmas and throughout the upcoming year”, she said.

We apologize once again to those that we had to turn away at the door because of the tickets being sold out. We hope that they will consider returning next year and encourage everyone to purchase their tickets in advance as there is no guarantee that any will be available at the door.

On behalf of all the members of the Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and very joyous, safe and prosperous New Year.

Kiwanis International is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time. Through service projects and fundraisers, Kiwanis members improve their communities, making lifelong friendships and most importantly, helping children thrive, prosper and reach their full potential. Please visit www.lakeshorekiwanis.com to learn more about one of your local clubs and our service projects.
#Kids need Kiwanis…Kiwanis needs You!