me and roberta bondar

An amazing visit when Dr Bondar arrived in the SOO at the airport! I hitched a ride with our super news guy, Johnny Murtha… We conversed..actually I chatted, he had to listen, for we were captive in his vehicle! Roberta gave me a big grin and fist bump., when I relayed the story back wieh she travelled in the Shuttle as the first Canadian Female Astronaut… My Grandpa Bud worked 40 years at the NASA Cape…and his last mission was to secure Dr Bondar’s personal items compartment on board. Prior to her lifting off, I just learned from my dad, that Grandpa Bud, blocked her way in the doorway, he said to her, “Garneau gave me an 8 x 10.!!!’.. You see, he wasn’t letting her get into position, till she signed a glossy for him…and …she did! Grandpa put it proudly on his wall….right up uptil he passed away! I am just a really blessed man!

Now if Dr Bondar has a weather pattern more conducive to SUMMER on Thursdays., I need to know the science!

BTW..look for my buddy Cruiser Samantha out and about in the pictured cruiser all summer long!