Well, lemme tell ya, I bet our USA Family and Friends are sure glad tomorrow, November 8th is Election Day.
After months and months , that have got to feel like years and years, the Americans head out to the poling stations , state to state.
Will it be a Dems landslide? A Republican victory? Or Hills over the Donald by a mere few thousand votes?
It’s like we’ve been watching two editions of the Young and Restless each day, forever to me!
Donald is like Victor Newman….the self centered, only for Donald , businessman billionaire who has said up to print today, ‘Everything is’s a rigged system!’
‘Crooked Hillary will be the worst president, if elected and will be endicted very soon’.
In the meantime, just over a week and a half ago, FBI Director, James Comey, released a statement saying the Agency found 650 thousand new emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop that they had to go through and see if anything new would be attributed to Hillary Clinton.
Trump ran with this new information and Clinton’s huge lead began to dwindle.
Hang on! Until this past weekend, where Comey has stated, ‘We’ve search through these emails and have found nothing new. Some are duplicates we’ve already processed, some are personal. I ( Comey) stand by my earlier findings, as stated in a July press conference. There is not enough evidence to support criminal charges against the Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton’.
In this , the final day to campaign before Americans go to the polls, Trump sticks by his assertion that HIllary is corrupt.
She, on the other hand is taking the high road and not even mentioning FBI Dierector Comey’s weekend letter to congress, exonerating her.
Beginning tomorrow morning, I’ll have a social media post on the Facebook Fan Page, ‘ If you were voting in the US election , who would you be choosing as President of the United States?
FYI., there have already been 41 million votes cast as of 6am, in early voting across the USA.
Funny, my Facebook Memories Wall popped up day before yesterday and my there I stood with my Barack Tee on , campaign buttons and Barack Bobblehead and it brought me back to 2008 and a campaign slogan, created by Obama, ‘Yes We Can!’., which saw the election of the 44th President of the US, a Chicago senator and first ever African American to hold the highest office in the land!
Boy oh boy have things changes 8 years later in 2016. One thing that remains high is Obama’s approval rating at over 53 percent today.I have heard many friends in conversation saying’ Why can’t he Obama run again? Why not Michelle?’ Comics said last week, ‘How bout Obama be kept in office on a month to month basis till all this mess is cleaned up?’
I suppose by Wednesday morning, January 9th, these polls we’ve been witnessing for almost two years, will have no impact on our American friends or our family in this Election, because the game will certainly be over!
My thoughts are, ‘Who will win? Will it be harmful to us here in Canada? and lastly, but mostly in my brain is, ‘What will the ever present pundits on CNN do, when there is ‘no drama’ to cover?’
I suppose we will be looking at our 2018 Election coverage to bide time until the next US election.
To my American family and friends, I wish you all the best on January 8th and yes, we will still have a space for you here in Canada, should you choose to move North, among the True North Strong and Free!