So Happy Hallowe’en Monday October 31st folks!
Big day tomorrow here at the radio station and if you’ve qualified for a chance to ‘Escape to Paradise,
stay tuned at 810 Friday and listen for me to call YOUR name. If you call me back within the ten minutes following the announcement. You win the TRIP! If you fail to call, I move on to the next qualifier!

Things are ‘tightening up’ to the south with Republicans and Democrats, under the leadership of their candidates, Donald and Hillary. An apparent change from just a few pools ago. I guess the truth comes out November 8th. Such a different kinda campaign eh? It burns one out to watch too long without breaks! LOL

I relayed the facts and figures and the sweets as far as the survey goes….Surprising grams of sugar in that special coffee of yours. To all my diabetic friends…I know you watch and read, but look at the comparisons here! More sugar in that coffee than the chocolate bars?

Topical Halloween Lifestyle News and Views

Sugar High

With Halloween approaching, the NY Post did a study and found Starbucks drinks have more sugar than candy.

Grande Chai Tea Latte (42 grams of sugar) compared to a Snicker’s bar (27 grams of sugar)

A Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte (49 grams of sugar) compared to a Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bar (24 grams of sugar)

A Grande Cinnamon Dolce Crème Frappuccino (58 grams of sugar) compared to three Dove Silky Smooth Cookies & Crème Bars (20 grams of sugar)

A Grande Salted Caramel Mocha (56 grams of sugar) compared to a 3 Musketeers Bar (36 grams of sugar)

A Grande Java Chip Frappuccino (66 grams of sugar) compared to two bags of M&Ms (30 grams of sugar)

A Grande White Chocolate Mocha (59 grams of sugar) compared to 18 Hershey Kisses (46 grams of sugar)