
Well Happy Halowe’en on Monday October 31st this season..in under a week, our little and not so tiny ghosts and goblins will be out and about trick or treating in the Soo and all over the Nation.
Be aware of motorists that night. Keep your eyes open and wear some reflective clothing kids.
Carry a flashlight if you can ….and play it safely!

I was watching the season premier of The Walking Dead Sunday with my 13.5 year old and my wife and I became nujmb with fear during the show. It was very realistic! I think that’s why this happened to me, or else I’m just getting older and more frail when it comes to horror and stuff!
I was telling my mom,. who remembers vividly, how I used to go to the movies with my sisters just to get freaked out. Loved it back then. Heck I can barely watch a Movie Trailer on tv now without getting all wussed out!

Seems our survey shows…the Scared Factor for Hallowe’en!

Scary Movie

A survey by Redbox reveals that 57% of people like scary movies. Other findings:

– 49% of people watch a horror movie in October to celebrate Halloween.

– 55% of people will watch a scary movie on Halloween.

– 92% of people prefer to watch a scary movie at home rather than at a theater.

– 73% of people watch a scary movie with the lights off.

– 52% of people will not watch a scary movie alone.

– 50% of people get spooked by strange noises while watching a scary movie.

– 31% of people have turned off a scary movie because they were frightened.

– 22% of people say Freddy Krueger is the scariest movie villain of all time.

top five scary movies of all time?

1 “The Exorcist.”

2 “A Nightmare on Elm Street.”

3 “The Shining.”

4 “Halloween.”

5 “The Silence of the Lambs.”