The Donald has said , 'All the allegations are completely fabricated...false.." Will this have an effect on his recent poll numbers...Oh my, the pundants are at it this morning..twisting and pivoting away from the matters at hand. What a circus eh? A chilly start to your Thursday... High expected to reach 10. More tickets here at Country 104.3 for the "Stories and Songs' show featuring Jamie Warren, Steve Wilkinson and Gil Grand. Drop by the radio station , 642 Great Northern Rd from 9-1pm to fetch yours. Did I mention, they are FREE? Here are the trending stories we're following.. Trending ... - The NY Daily News claims Shia LaBeouf and Mia Goth faked their Las Vegas wedding. Clark County Nevada Tweeted: ''Our records show no marriage license for Shia LaBeouf & Mia Goth. A commitment ceremony was performed'' - The NY Daily News claims Roseanne Barr recently broke her knee cap before blaming the accident on Hillary Clinton with a tweet that read: “Fell broke kneecap! Did Hillary drone me? Lol'' - Ken Bone t-shirts have hit the internet. They feature him in his red sweater with the phrases: "Yes We Ken" and ''A Star is Bone'. - has sold out of their female Ken Bone Halloween costumes. They cost $100 and feature dark rimmed glasses, a mustache, a white half shirt, a red half sweater and dark pants. - Halloween Megastore says sales of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Halloween masks have quadrupled - Tom Brady walked out of a press conference yesterday after a reporter asked him what he thought about Donald Trump's 'locker room talk'. Brady and Trump are good friends - Vulture magazine claims Prince's music vault is reportedly worth $35 million dollars. Three record labels are currently bidding for it. - A new survey by the Pew Research Center reveals that 57% of Americans think marijuana should be legalized. 71% of Millennials think marijuana should be legalized - Ronda Rousey will fight Amanda Nunez at UFC 207 on December 30th in Las Vegas - The Wrap claims Fox has ordered another season of Lethal Weapon. - A new survey by YouGov reveals that 47% of adults don't wear socks with sandals. 31% of adults don't wear black socks with white shoes. - Yahoo claims the original painting for the "ET: The Extra Terrestrial" movie poster recently sold for $394,000. The buyer wishes to remain anonymous. - Foodbeast claims Starbucks has created its first coffee-infused craft beer. The Espresso Cloud IPA is made with a shot of espresso, pieces of orange, Starbucks syrups and vanilla infused microfoam.