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Supplied by the Sault Ste. Marie Bridge Authority…
October 7, 2016 — A project to replace concrete showing premature signs of wear, as well as completion of other work on the International Bridge U.S. toll plaza, will begin Monday.
Beginning Monday at noon, two of the four northbound toll lanes will be closed while concrete is removed from one of the lanes. After concrete has been re-poured, one of the two closed lanes will reopen. The repaired lane will remain closed for up to four weeks while the concrete fully cures during the cooler fall temperatures.
“This section of concrete in Lane 5 is being removed because it did not meet Michigan Department of Transportation specifications,” said Peter Petainen, International Bridge Administration (IBA) general manager. “The work will be completed at no additional cost to the IBA.”
A 16-month-long, $8.9 million (USD) toll plaza project was substantially finished in October 2015. Beyond the concrete replacement, some other contracted work remains incomplete due to the default of the prime contractor.
The planned work will be covered by $410,000 (USD) remaining on the contract. The work is being completed by Liberty Mutual, which bonded for the contractor. Where possible, Liberty Mutual proposes to use subcontractors who performed work for the prime contractor under the original construction contract. All work is scheduled to be finished within the next 90 days.
“The primary contract work visible to customers will be on the toll plaza canopy,” Petainen said. “There are some other items within the building, as well as remaining warranty work, that needs to be done.”
The operation and maintenance of the International Bridge is totally self-funded, primarily through bridge tolls. It is not subsidized by any state, provincial or federal government entity. For a complete list of International Bridge tolls, visit the IBA website at
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