So I never realy got this deal. Did You? Have you downloaded the game? Many have
Check it out!

Pokemon Go is Going: Uproxx claims the Pokemon Go game has been downloaded on 5% of all Android phones since being released on July 8th. The game is more popular than Tinder and Twitter. Tinder has been downloaded on 2% of Android phones while Twitter has been downloaded on 3% of Android phones.

Pokemon Go is causing Nintendo’s stock to jump. The day before the game was released, the company was valued at $17 billion. Now, Nintendo is valued at $28 billion The stock has jumped 64% in value in less than a week.

Restaurants Using Pokemon To Make Money: Uproxx claims restaurants are using the Pokemon Go game to increase business. They are purchasing $10 ‘lure modules’ in hopes people will take the bait and show up at their establishment.

One Dairy Queen location posted a sign that read: “Pokémon are for paying customers only” sign (okay, that may have been a Photoshop job).

Some restaurants are holding Pokemon parties complete with food and drink specials