ssmpuc  The Sault PUC Board of Directors was provided the latest survey results regarding Sault Ste. Marie’s water quality at last night’s meeting.  The Survey carried out by Ipsos Reid involved 1-thousand Sault residents across all six wards and the overall satisfaction rate came in at 55%—–an increase of 3% compared to a 2014 survey.  The survey also provided results from wards 1 and 2 where the vast majority of complaints came from when the city switched its water content from  chloramine to free chlorine.  The satisfaction rate in this latest survey for ward 1 was at 38%—an increase of 6% and ward 2 was 60%—up 7%.   The survey carried out last fall was a chance to guage public response following phase 1 of the water quality improvement project which included system improvements to help adjust pH levels and corrosion control and removing the Lorna Wells from the system.  Those measures cost the PUC 2.7-million dollars and a decision on whether it is neccessary to go ahead with a 2nd and more expensive phase won’t be made until late 2016.  That cost would be around 4 million dollars would include reverting back to chloramine.