FireServices  The Fire Chief has fired back over the heavy criticism he received from a consultant for the fire fighters union over his realignment plans.  The consultant is Pat Burke who is a former fire chief and former Ontario Fire Marshall.  Fire Chief Mike Figliola says staff’s preference remains to constructively consult with key stakeholders rather than interacting through the public domain with partial information and one off responses.  Fire Chief Figliola refers to some of Burke’s points as almost inflamatory.  The fire chief highlights his concerns in a letter to council including his clarfication that the number of on duty fire fighters will go from 16 to 13 which is 19% not 25% as referred to by the union.  The Chief also assures that under the new model, a total of 10 fire fighters will continue to be the first responder component.  He says while 4 person trucks are common in larger community departments, a 3 person vehicle  is more the norm in medium and smaller departments.  He says the City of Calgary is currently moving to a 3 fire fighters per truck model.  The Chief also says the up to 20 fire fighting positions identified will be alligned within the fire department, not just EMS.  Meantime the local Fire Fighters Association says it is disappointed a request to have Burke address council has been turned down and they have scheduled a town hall meeting on public safety on Sunday at the Quattro Suites and Conference Centre beginning at 7:30.  Burke will be in attendance.