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So are you shaking in your boots since it’s Friday the 13th?

For me it’s always been a very lucky day…You?

A survey by Harris reveals that just 33% of people believe finding and picking up a penny is good luck. Other findings:

– 24% of people believe the groom and bride should avoid each other before their wedding because it’s bad luck

– only 23% of people believe “7” is a lucky number

– only 21% of people believe knocking on wood prevents bad luck

– only 20% of people believe walking under a ladder is bad luck

– only 14% of people believe Friday the 13th is an unlucky day

– only 14% of people believe breaking a mirror is bad luck

– only 13% of people believe throwing spilled salt over the left shoulder prevents bad luck

– only 12% of people believe “13” is an unlucky number

– only 7% of people believe stepping on a crack is bad luck