Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board Director of Education John Stadnyk talks about ‘The Francis Effect’, a DVD about Pope Francis’ first year and a half as Pope. The DVD was shown to the Board of Trustees at Wednesday’s Board meeting.

A DVD highlighting the most charismatic Pope in years was shown at Wednesday’s Huron-Superior Catholic School Board meeting. ‘The Francis Effect’ highlights the first year and a half of Pope Francis I’s leadership and representing the Catholic faith. Board Director of Education John Stadnyk says that Francis’ ability to ‘walk the talk’ as a man of humility and benevolence is part of the reason for all the great attention put on him — a man who took his name from the Jesuit, St. Francis…

Stadnyk hopes the board of trustees can acquire the ‘leadership lessons’ offered after watching the DVD. He mentioned the various issues that Francis has been dealing with in his papacy. They range from the importance of the role women play in the Catholic Church to the Roman Curia. The Roman Curia is the central body through which the Roman Pontiff conducts the affairs of the universal Catholic Church. ‘The Francis Effect’ features commentary and reaction from various celebrities and dignitaries. Stadnyk says there have been a number of examples of people within the Catholic Board community of acting on their being inspired by Pope Francis…

Stadnyk mentioned what could be an upcoming example. A meeting is scheduled for November 23rd to determine if a group of interested adults and students to have a Third World experience with a goal of transforming their thinking and their obligation to help those in need. Stadnyk watched the 70-minute DVD prior to Wednesday’s meeting and says it has inspired him personally…

Stadnyk mentioned one example of how Pope Francis’ work has inspired others to be like him around the world. The Pope had washed the feet of some Muslim and female prisoners at the Holy Thursday service in Rome early in his papacy — something that was unheard of in terms of liturgy.