Supplied by the City of Sault Ste. Marie…
(Sault Ste. Marie, ON) Today, Mayor Christian Provenzano offered the following statement regarding the federal election results of October 19, 2015:
“Firstly, I would like to thank Bryan Hayes for his service to our community and for representing Sault Ste. Marie as our Member of Parliament for these past four years. Public life comes with its share of burdens and I thank Mr. Hayes for being willing to shoulder them. I would like to wish him well in his next endeavours.
“I would next like to congratulate my council colleague, Terry Sheehan, for his victory in the local race. While I will miss having Terry at the council table, I know he will do a great job on our behalf in Ottawa. I look forward to working with him to advance our community’s interests. Congratulations to everyone on the Sheehan campaign for a job well done.
“I would also like to thank Skip Morrison, Kara Flannigan and Mike Taffarel for their respective campaigns and for having the courage to step forward and stand for office. It is not easy to run for election and to have to defend your beliefs publically, but the health of our democracy depends on finding individual citizens who are willing to do so. All of our local candidates should be proud of their efforts.
“Lastly, I would like to congratulate Prime Minister Designate Justin Trudeau and his incoming government for their victory. I have had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Trudeau and I know he has a great love for this amazing country. I look forward to collaborating with his government in the days ahead.