City Police  City Police news release…
As per the recent release by the Ministry of Transportation arising from the recent passing of the Making Ontario Roads Safer Bill 31, the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service would like to draw motorist’s attention to some of changes to set fines and penalties for using a hand held device.  As of September 1st, 2015 anyone charged with using a handheld communication or entertainment device will face a minimum of $490.00 up to a maximum of $1000.00, and three demerit points.  Further G1, G2, M1, and M2 novice drivers charged with using a hand held device, on conviction will face escalating sanctions beginning with a 30 day licence suspension.
Though there will be no immediate enforcement initiative targeting distracted drivers, officers from Patrol and Traffic Services will continue to  ticket drivers using these hand held devices while driving, as the danger of this activity is recognized North America wide.  Targeted campaigns will take place in the near future.
Other notable parts of the new law include the addition of Tow Trucks stopped on the side of the road with their amber lights flashing to the list of vehicles drivers must slow down and move over for or face a $490 fine.  Drivers will also have to leave a distance of 1 metre when passing a cyclist or face a $110 fine.