
Dear CAO Selection Committee Secretary Tyczinski, 

Yesterday I was advised by CAO Selection Committee (CAOSC) Member Councillor Shoemaker (see below) that there is a Motion on today’s CAOSC Agenda which was authored by City Staff that has the potential to make what is an Open* selection process of the Executive Search Firm  which will help the Committee select the next CAO into a Closed** process by creating a Task Force*** sub-Committee. 

I humbly ask  that I be granted permission to speak as a Delegation to the CAO Selection Committee later today at the 4:00 pm Meeting regarding the staff authored Motion to create a Task Force*** sub-Committee that has the potential to turn the selection process of the Executive Search Firm into a Closed** process, which, in my opinion, is counter to what City Council originally struck this CAO Selection Committee for, namely to have a completely Open* and transparent CAO Selection Process. 

I’m sorry for the late notice, but I would appreciate hearing from you with an answer to this Delegation Request by the time that the CAO Selection Committee meets at 4:00 pm later today at the Civic Centre. 

In any case, I will be attending the CAOSC meeting later today. 


Mark  Brown


* Open Meeting – Must provide reasonable notification of each meeting to the public, must have an Agenda, must keep Minutes,  and must allow every member of the public to attend (unless they are being disruptive). 

** Closed Meeting – Does not have to provide any notice to the public,  does not require an Agenda of items to be covered and decision to be made, does not have to keep Minutes but usually provides a fulsome report of the decisions made and their rationale for the recommendation they are providing to the eventual decision making body that officially authorized the creation of the recommending body, and can deny any member of the public access to their meeting proceedings for any reason that they see fit. 

*** Task Force – A City Staff, voting-controlled Committee, or sub-Committee which consists of a Majority of City Staff Members who is not REQUIRED to hold  Open* Meetings. This type of Committee or sub-Committee can choose to close it’s doors. See  Section 27.1 of the City of  Sault Ste. Marie’s Procedure By-law 2013-100 ( http://www.saultstemarie.ca/Cityweb/media/Legal/By-laws/2013-100.pdf )

City Response:

From: “Rachel Tyczinski”

Subject: RE: Request to speak as a Delegation at CAO Selection Committee Meeting

Good morning

Please be advised that there is no formal Agenda Review process for the CAO Selection Committee. 

You are welcome to attend the meeting at 4:00 today and make your request to the Committee. The Committee will then decide if it wishes to grant your request. 

Rachel Tyczinski

Deputy City Clerk &

Manager of Quality Improvement

City of Sault Ste. Marie